Travel and Coffee

How coffee contributes to the economy of Bangladesh

How coffee contributes to the economy of Bangladesh

Coffee and the Economy of Bangladesh Coffee, once an exotic luxury in Bangladesh, has now emerged as a prominent force in defining the country’s economic environment. The trajectory of coffee in Bangladesh, spanning from local producers to thriving urban cafes, has been profoundly transforming. This article explores the various ways in which coffee contributes to the country’s economy. Enabling Smallholder Farmers: In the fertile hills of coffee-producing areas in Bangladesh, small-scale farmers are benefiting from the cultivation of coffee. Many farmers have shifted from traditional crops such as rice and jute to coffee growing because it is more profitable and better able to withstand the effects of climate change. Through the practice of cultivating a variety of crops, these farmers have effectively increased their sources of revenue, improving their financial situation and making a positive impact on the development of rural areas. Export Potential: Bangladesh’s coffee business has the potential…

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